The 9th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business

ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc.®, Canada
Conference Organizer: Ghada Mohamed
Scientific Committee: Ghada Mohamed, PhD., Morrison H. Schachler, Ph.D., Daniel May, Ph.D., and Thomas Henschel, Ph.D.
Conference Venue: LMH, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
The Jerwood Room
February 1st, 2023
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
The 9th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business:
ISSN 1925-461X = The Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business (Online): Library & Archive Canada
ISBN: 978-1-988081-12-0 = The 9th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business (Online): Library & Archive Canada
Dear Conference Delegates. Thanks for making the conference successful.
Many thanks to all staff at Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, for their hospitality.
A Hybrid Event

Thomas Henschel, Professor, Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany and Visiting Professor, Verona University, Italy

Ilka Heinze, Professor, Hochschule Fresenius, Germany

Paper: "The application and the value of the Q-Method in entrepreneurship" - Presentation
Abdulmalik Sadiq, Ph.D. Candidate, Cracow University of Economics, Germany

Paper: “Inflation and Economic Growth: An analysis of the inflation threshold level of the Nigerian economy” - Presentation
Shirin Okhovat, Senior Economist, Ministry of Finance, Canada

Paper: “Applying Machine Learning and a Dynamic Logit Panel in Modeling the Turnover Behaviour of Firms in Ontario” - Presentation
Julia Yereshko, Professor, Technische Universität München - Institute for Advanced Study, Germany
Iryna Kreidych, Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine

A keynote speech over zoom by Brian Moran, CEO of Small Business Edge, USA

"Entrepreneurship & Small Business" from an entrepreneur's view - Presentation
Tremma Ourania, Senior Lecturer, Harper Adams University, UK

Paper: "Price Interrelations in the UK milk Supply Chain"
Co-authors: Hall Grace and De Aguiar Luis (Harper Adams University)
Morrison Handley-Schachler (UK), Vice-president of Research, ECO-ENA, Canada

Paper: "Fraud and Misappropriation of Assets: Control and Mitigation” - Presentation
Daniel May, Senior Lecturer, Harper Adams University, United Kingdom

Paper: "Identifying past economic organization through the rural landscape" - Presentation
Ghada Gomaa A. Mohamed, President, ECO-ENA, Canada & Professor & Dean of Students, Forward Academy (USA/ Middle East)

Paper: “Food Security & Consumer Behavior - A Quantifying Approach” - Presentation
An attendee: Raghad Alsurayhi (In person), University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Conference Program

8:30 am - 6:00 pm
The Jerwood Room
Duration of each presentation session: 35-45 minutes + 10-15 minutes of discussion
8:30 am - 9:00 am: Registration and Refreshments
Session I
9:00 am - 12::30 pm
The 1st presentation: 9:00 am to 10:00 pm - Including open discussion
Thomas Henschel, Professor, Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin, Germany and Visiting Professor, Verona University, Italy
Ilka Heinze, Professor, Hochschule Fresenius, Germany
Paper: "The application and the value of the Q-Method in entrepreneurship"
The 2nd presentation: 10:00 am to 11:00 pm - Including open discussion
Julia Yereshko, Professor, Technische Universität München - Institute for Advanced Study, Germany
Iryna Kreidych, Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine
The 3rd presentation: 11:00 am to 11:50 - Including open discussion
Abdulmalik Sadiq, Ph.D. Candidate, Cracow University of Economics, Germany
Paper: “Inflation and Economic Growth: An analysis of the inflation threshold level of the Nigerian economy”
The 4th presentation: 11:50 am to 12:30 - Including open discussion
Tremma Ourania, Senior Lecturer, Harper Adams University, UK - Via zoom
Paper: "Price Interrelations in the UK milk Supply Chain"
Lunch Break - All delegates are invited
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Session II
1:30 - 3:30 pm
The 5th presentation: 1:30 pm to 2:20 pm - Including open discussion
Morrison H. Schachler (UK), Vice-president of Research, ECO-ENA, Canada
Paper: "Fraud and Misappropriation of Assets: Control and Mitigation”
The 6th presentation: 2:20 pm to 3:00 pm - A Keynote Speech - Via zoom
Brian Moran, CEO of Small Business Edge, USA
"Entrepreneurship & Small Business" from an entrepreneur's view
The second coffee break - with a panel discussion
3:00 - 3:30 pm
Session III
3:30 - 6:00 pm
The 7th presentation: 3:30 pm to 4:20 pm - Including open discussion
Shirin Okhovat, Senior Economist, Ministry of Finance, Canada - Via zoom
Paper: “Applying Machine Learning and a Dynamic Logit Panel in Modeling the Turnover Behaviour of Firms in Ontario”
The 8th presentation: 4:20 pm to 5:00 pm - Including open discussion
Daniel May, Senior Lecturer, Harper Adams University, United Kingdom
Paper: "Identifying past economic organization through the rural landscape"
The 9th presentation: 5:00 pm to 5:40 pm - Including open discussion
Ghada Mohamed, President, ECO-ENA, Canada & Professor & Dean of Students, Forward Academy (USA/ Middle East)
Paper: “Food Security & Consumer Behavior - A Quantifying Approach”
5:40 - 6:00 pm
Closing by the conference chair
Conference Dinner Gathering
All delegates are invited - Zizzi Italian Restaurant, Oxford

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 773 8395 5400
Passcode: 544109
The Conference Policy and the Registration Form >>>
Venue: Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 6QA, UK
Conference Organizer: Ghada Mohamed
Scientific Committee: Ghada Mohamed, PhD., Morrison H. Schachler, Ph.D., Daniel May, Ph.D., and Thomas Henschel, Ph.D.