The Third Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business

@ ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada
Conference Organizer: Ghada Mohamed
Conference Chairs: Ghada Mohamed, PhD., Morrison H. Schachler, Ph.D.
Conference Venue: Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Lady Margaret Hall: Talbot Hall
February 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, 2013
Dear Conference Delegates: Thanks for making the conference successful
Participants in this conference came from: Japan, Slovakia, Hong Kong, France, Kosovo, Latvia, Germany, Canada, UK, Egypt, Oman, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, Malysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Brazil.

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The Conference Proceedings

Best Paper Award
Peter Geczy, Noriaki Izumi and Kôiti Hasida
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Getting the Most out of Your Hybrid Clouds: Adoption Management Strategy
Runners Up
Bei Luo and Terence Tai Leung Chong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dual sides of China's Entrepreneurial Activities: The Productive and the Unproductive
Third Place
Gurdal Aslan and Humberto Lopez Rizzo
Université Paris I
Impacts of Minimum Wage on Employment: First Evidence in Turkish SMEs
Conference Programme
Talbot Hall, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, United Kingdom
Day 1
Friday, February 1st 2013
9:00 Welcome and Coffee
Three Papers on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Paper 1
Syahiza Arsad (Presenter)
Kolej Universiti Insaniah, Malaysia
Rahayati Ahmad (Presenter)
Kolej Universiti Insaniah, Malaysia
Roshima Said
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Relationship between Corporate Governance, Internal Audit and Firm Performance
Paper 2
Susanne Durst
University of Liechtenstein
Thomas Henschel (Presenter)
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Germany
The practice of governance in small firms – A country comparison
11:00 Coffee
Paper 3
Samina Afrin (Presenter)
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Strategic Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Paradigm Shift
Two Papers on Responses to the Business Environment
Paper 4
Daniel May (Presenter)
Harper Adams University College, United Kingdom
Silvana Paratori
University of Keele, United Kingdom
A Review on Farmers’ Behaviour Modelling
Paper 5
Gazmend Qorraj (Presenter)
University of Prishtina, Kosovo
Entrepreneurship Activities in Transition Countries: Self-Employment versus. Development
13:00 Lunch
Three Papers on the Economics and Employment
Paper 6
Gurdal Aslan
Université Paris I, France
Mr. Humberto Lopez Rizzo (Presenter)
Université Paris I, France
Impacts of Minimum Wage on Employment: First Evidence in Turkish SMEs
Paper 7
Kaviyarasu Elangkovan (Presenter)
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Ahmed Razman Abdul Latiff
Universiti Putra Malaysia
A Strategy In Encountering The Rising Rate Of Unemployment: The Introduction of Minimum Wage Laws In Malaysia
Paper 8
Gabriela Trentin Zandoná (Presenter)
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Brazil
Luiz Damato Neto (Presenter)
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Brazil
The Labor Market in Latin America
15:30 Coffee
Two Papers on Business and Entrepreneurship
Paper 9
Bei Luo (Presenter)
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Terence Tai Leung Chong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dual Sides of China Entrepreneurial Activities: the Productive and the Unproductive
Paper 10
Atsuyuki Kato (Presenter)
Waseda University, Japan
Naomi Kodama
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
Markups, Productivity, and External Market Development: An empirical analysis using SME data in the service industry
17:00 Close
Day 2
Saturday, February 2nd 2013
9:00 Coffee
Two Papers on Accounting and Reporting
Paper 11
Baiba Zvirbule (Presenter)
University of Latvia
Corporate Reporting: Advantages and Disadvantages of Disclosure
Paper 12
Ahmed Ali Mohammad (Presenter)
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Does Accounting Account for Innovation
10:15 Coffee
Two Papers on Regulation and Auditing
Paper 13
Zuraidah Haji Ali (Presenter)
International Islamic University, Malaysia
Charitable Organizations in Malaysia; Issues on Regulating and Monitoring of Charitable Organizations.
Paper 14
Norazida Mohamed (Presenter)
Teesside University, United Kingdom
Financial Statement Fraud Control and Internal Auditing Expectation Gap
11:30: Coffee
12:00 Keynote Address
Cherie Chen
Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance,
Cass Business School,
City University, London.
The Implications of Behavioural Finance in Advertising, Branding, Investment and Insurance
13:00 Lunch
Three Papers on Corporate Finance
Paper 15
Richard Fairchild (Presenter)
University of Bath, United Kingdom
Ian Crawford (Presenter)
University of Bath, United Kingdom
A Development Bank’s Choice of Private Equity Partner: A Behavioral Game-theoretic Approach
Paper 16
Rahayati Ahmad (Presenter)
Kolej Universiti Insaniah, Malaysia
Effect Of Leverage And Selected Control Variables On Performance Of Firms Listed On Bursa Malaysia
Paper 17
Talat Afza (Presenter)
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
Hira Yousaf
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
Atia Alam
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
Information Asymmetry, Corporate Governance and IPO Under-pricing
15:30 Coffee
One Paper on the Nature of Currency
Paper 18
Paula Hernandez (Presenter)
Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
Ruy Valdés Benavides (Presenter)
Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
Virtual Currencies, Micropayments and the Payments Systems: A Challenge to Fiat Money and Monetary Policy?
Panel Discussion
Financial Investment by Individuals, Corporations and Government
17:00 Close
19:00 – 22:00 Conference Gala Dinner
Jerwood Room, LMH, Oxford University
Day 3
Sunday, February 3rd 2013
9:00 Coffee
Three Papers on the Economic Environment
Paper 19
Shala al-Abiyad (Presenter)
Tripoli University, Libya
Morrison Handley-Schachler
Teesside University, United Kingdom
Factors Affecting the Price of Banking Services: The Bank of the Republic Libya
Paper 20
Callistar Kidochukwu Obi (Presenter)
Delta State University, Nigeria
The Empirical Analysis of External Debt and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Paper 21
Ghada Mohamed (Presenter)
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Nisreen Al-Banawi
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Balance of Payments of Saudi Arabia
10:45 Coffee
Four Papers on Emerging Management Challenges
Paper 22
Peter Geczy (Presenter)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Noriaki Izumi
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Kôiti Hasida
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Getting the Most out of Your Hybrid Clouds: Adoption Management Strategy
Paper 23
Ghada Mohamed (Presenter)
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Saima Javid
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Foreign Direct Investment and Impact on Economic Welfare in Saudi Arabia
Paper 24
Muhammad Said (Presenter)
College for Islamic Studies, Indonesia
Abdul Djalil
University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Manager Perception of The Syariah Principles and the Effect of a Management Control Process
Three Papers on Management and Control
Paper 25
Ghada Mohamed (Presenter)
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Nisreen Al-Banawi
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Beta and Sigma Convergence among the GCC States
13:00 Lunch
Chairman’s and Chief Executive’s Closing Remarks
14:30 Close
Conference Organizer: Ghada Mohamed
Conference Chairs: Ghada Mohamed, PhD., Morrison H. Schachler, Ph.D.
@ ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada