Forum of Microfinance, Growth and Sustainable Development
@ ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc.®, Canada
The Scientific Conference of Microfinance and Sustainable Development in Ottawa

ISBN: 978-1-988081-03-8: E-proceeding: Library & Archive Canada
Click Here for the proceeding. 
Venue: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
90 University Building - Lounge # 152
Date: June 20th, 2017
Type of Conference: Intellectual Symposium in a Meeting Room
The Conference is organized by:
ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc.®, Canada

Dear conference participants: Thanks for making the symposium successful; ECO-ENA, Inc.
The conference e-proceeding would be posted as soon as it's done.

Professor. Amir Kia

Finance and Economics Department
Utah Valley University, USA
Paper (1-3): "Monetary Policy Transparency in a Forward-Looking Market: Evidence from the United States"
Professor. Howard Qi

School of Business and Finance
Michigan Technological University, USA
Paper (1-1): "Insurance and Risk Management for Sustainable Microfinance"
Mr. Finagnon Antoine Dedewanou

Department of Economics
Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
Paper (1-2): "Does Deposit Insurance Promote Financial Inclusion? Evidence from ECCAS Countries"
Dr. Ghada G. Mohamed

York University, Toronto, Canada (PostDoc.)
ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada
Paper (3-1): "Sustainable Development and Sustainable Growth: Dynamic Analysis"
Dr. Harpreet Kaur

Department of Political Science
Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce
University of Delhi, India
Paper (2-3): "Strategies for Green Special Economic Zones (GSEZs) in India"
Dr. Janet Dazzler

School of Business, Faculty of Business and Law
University of Newcastle, Australia
Mr. Mohammad Zoynul Abedin

Faculty of Management and Economics
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian, China
Paper (2-1): "Microcredit Empowerment of Rural Women in Bangladesh"
Co-author: Chi Guotai and Fahmida–E–Moula
Over-Skype Presentation
Dr. Sharareh Rakhshan

Statistics Centre of Iran, Iran
Paper (3-1): "Study of achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls and its challenges in Iran"
Other Attendees
Mrs. Diane Kia (Canada)

Mr. Jean Francois Bonin (Canada)
Status: Attended the conference and presented his experience in Microfinance in Canada

Mr. Karan Gandhi (India)
Status: Attended the conference

Mr. Muazzam Sabir, Paris (France)
Status: Attended the conference

Couldn't attend on time
Mr. Birol Dalbay (Georgia)
Status: Couldn't attend on time
Mr. Dexter Gittens (USA)
Status: Couldn't attend on time
Mr. Quan Anh Nguyen (Thailand)
Status: Couldn't attend on time
Mr. Salamu Amadu (Canada)
Status: Couldn't attend on time
Invited by Trend Micro Canada
to attend their reception at 6:00 pm in Brookstreet Ottawa Hotel

Thanks to Trend Micro Canada for the invitation
The Second Scientific Conference of Micro-Finance and Sustainable Development >>>
Venue: University of Ottawa: 90 University, Lounge # 152 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 1H3
Our Conferences’ General Policies:
- Please note that getting a visa for international delegates is only the responsibility of the international delegate. ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada provides only acceptance letters upon finalizing registration and conference (non-refundable) fees payment by the delegate.
- If you are a participant to the conference please don’t proceed for payment unless you receive an acceptance email from the conference chair because all fees are non-refundable according to our financial policy.
- Please note that ECO-ENA, Inc. International Conferences are small scientific conferences. We aim to compile intellectual material for discussions and publications.
- Postgraduate students can also find a chance in our conferences to revise their papers by listening to comments of other scholars from different Universities and different countries.
- Please note that according to our new attendance policy after January 15th, 2014 we accept registrations of attendees from the host country of the conference only (Or from countries that don't require that complicated traveling documents to attend the conference) while we accept participation with original intellectual work from anywhere in the world.
- In order for the accepted paper/ article to be included in the conference final proceeding at least one author is expected to attend the conference and to present his/ her paper after finalizing registration. All comments by discussants should be considered for the final publication at the conference e-proceeding.
New - Considered after October 1st, 2016
Best 3- papers of any of our international conferences would be considered for publication at our scientific peer reviewed journals after they go for another peer revision.
The Journal of International Business & Economic Affairs: ISSN 1916-8748 (Online), Library & Archive Canada.
The Scientific Journal of Agricultural Economics: ISSN 1923-6522 (Online), Library & Archive Canada
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN 2292-0579 (On-line): Library & Archive Canada
Criteria of Selection:
For complete manuscripts submissions:
1. The manuscript must be original.
2. The manuscript must completely avoid all types of plagiarism according to the APA regulations.
3. All references must be written according to the APA citations.
4. The manuscript must follow all scientific regulations of a scientific research paper according to the APA style.
For Abstracts Submissions:
1. Only abstracts submissions would be considered for Panel Discussion Sessions.
2. The abstract must follow the APA style of writing an abstract of a research paper/ an article.
3. The topic and the title must be relevant to the conference themes.
Integrity and Ethical Codes
- Only the chairs of the conference accept/ decline submissions according to the criteria of selections mentioned above.
- After finalizing registration and paying the required conference fee; accepted submissions would be included in the final program of the conference.
- This conference is about intellectual meetings that include scholars in the same/ in relevant field (s), freelance researchers and practitioners. The participant must present before a few of those scholars/ researchers. Comments would be received during the conference would help in improving the submitted work. All accepted manuscripts would be equally considered for publication in the conference e-proceeding. The best three manuscripts would be considered for publication at ECO-ENA's peer reviewed journals after they go for another peer review process.
- A complete report after the end of the conference would be posted on the conference website with complete transparency.
- Because our fees are not refundable so payment would be only accepted by the conference organizer after acceptance of submitted papers/ articles/ abstracts.
- The organizer of this conference is ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada
- This is an international conference so international scholars/ researchers/ practitioners are welcomed to apply from anywhere in the world.
- Our work as the organizer of this conference is completely transparent and available to all applicants to view.
- After finalizing registration; the organizer sends both the acceptance letter and the receipt of payment with complete information signed by the president of ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada to the conference delegate within three business days from the time of payment.
- The organizer of the conference abides by the ethical codes of contacts. We depend on sending/ receiving messages and attaching files by emails as a record of all our contacts with all delegates.