CJIEIF: The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN: 2292-0579: Library & Archive Canada - E-Publication.
The Forum of Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, and Business @ ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc. adopts research & policy analysis in the field of Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, and Business Ethics in general. It holds its annual conference to collect intellectual material in Islamic economics, Islamic finance, religious economics & business ethics, and it helps publish highly qualified research work in this area in its annual journal (Canadian electronic edition).
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance is a peer-reviewed journal that accepts original papers in Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, Religious Economics & Finance in general and papers in business ethics. This journal is linked to the annual conference of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance held every year at Chestnut Conference Centre, Toronto University, Toronto, Canada, organized by ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada.
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance is published by ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada electronically, and it's deposited into Library & Archive Canada with open access to anyone to view.
Best 3- papers of our annual conference of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance would be considered for publication in the Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN 2292-0579 (Online): Library & Archive Canada after it goes for another blind peer-reviewed process.
CJIEIF: The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN: 2292-0579 Library & Archive Canada
Editorial Board: (Alphabetically)
- Dr. Akbar Manoussi (Professor)
- Professor of Business and Management, Carleton University
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- President, Canadian Higher Education Corporation
- Email: manoussi@magma.ca
- Dr. Amir Kia (Professor)
- Professor of Economics
- The Wallace R. Woodbury Professorship in Economics
- Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Business Inquiry
- Finance & Economics Department
- Utah Valley University, USA
- Email: akia@uvu.edu
- Dr. Cenap Cakmak (Professor)
- Professor of International Law and Politics
- Department of International Relations
- Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
- Visiting Professor; Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Heidelberg, Germany
- Dr. Benjamin Geva (Professor)
Osgoode Hall Law School
York University
Toronto, Canada
Email: bgeva@osgoode.yorku.ca
- Author of: The Payment Order of Antiquity and the Middle Ages: A Legal
History (Oxford and Portland Oregon: Hart Publishing, 2011).
- Dr. Habib Ahmed (Professor)
- Sharjah Chair in Islamic Law & Finance
- Institute of Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies
School of Government & International Affairs
Durham University
Email: drhahmed@gmail.com
- Dr. Mamdouh Hamza Ahmed (Professor)
- Professor of Risk Management & Insurance
- King Saud University,
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Finance
- Fellow of the American Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS).
Email: mhahmed@yahoo.com
- Dr. Monzer Kahf (Professor)
- Prof. of Islamic Finance and Economics
- Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
- Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa University
- Qatar Foundation, Qatar
- Email: monzer@kahf.com
- Dr. Rodney Wilson (Professor)
- Emeritus Professor, Durham University UK &
- International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF)
- Malaysia
- Email: rodney.j.a.wilson@gmail.com
- Dr. Sadegh Bakhtiari (Professor)
- Professor of Islamic Finance at Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan, Isfahan, Iran
- Email: bakhtiari_sadegh@yahoo.com
- Dr. Sheila Htay (Professor)
- Professor of Islamic Finance at Humber College and York University, Toronto, Canada
- Email: sheilahtay14@gmail.com
- Dr. Tariqullah Khan (Professor)
- Professor of Islamic Finance at Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation
- President of the International Association for Islamic Economics
- Email: tariqullah.khan@gmail.com
CJIEIF: The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN: 2292-0579 Library & Archive Canada
Call for Papers:
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance; ISSN: 2292-0579 (Online): Library & Archive Canada is a new peer-reviewed journal published by ECO-ENA: Economics and ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada.
The journal aims to publish articles that contribute new research in Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, religious Economics, Business, and Finance, in addition to Business Ethics. This journal aims to publish intellectual, academic material in this area to add significantly to all fields related to Economics, Business and Finance.
Papers should be submitted in Word (.doc) format to gmohamed@eco-ena.ca and research_forum@eco-ena.ca with the authors' names, affiliations and contact email addresses shown on the first page only. A corresponding author should be identified. Papers should be less than 8,000 words and include an abstract of between 100 and 150 words. A bibliography must be included, and all references must follow Harvard Referencing System conventions. Papers must not have been submitted to or accepted for publication by any other journal.
Dr. Ghada G. Mohamed
Founder of the Journal & Editor-in-Chief
Version 1: CJIEIF- 1
Robert J. Bianchi, Michael E. Drew and Mahmood Nathie,
Shariah Compliant Stock Indexes: A Long-Term Perspective
Samir Srairi,
Risk, Capital and Efficiency in GCC Banking: Conventional Versus Islamic Banks
Norma Md. Saad,
Comparative Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on Takaful and Conventional Insurance in Malaysia
New - Our Journals are related to our conferences - Papers should be discussed in our intellectual symposium to be edited depending on received comments during the meetings - Considered after October 1st, 2016
Best 3- papers of our annual conference of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance will be considered for publication in our Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN 2292-0579 (Online): Library & Archive Canada after it goes for another blind peer-reviewed process.

All rights reserved © ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc.,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
research_forum@eco-ena.ca, information@eco-ena.ca